After the last post about guppy.. this time i will reveal my ikan la.heheh.
Actually..this is the new tank..just simple punyer..nak letak kat my other tank takut dia kena makan ngan ikan lain..so this time we separate them..
Dalam the new tank ni only guppies..ada 4 of them..2 betina 2 jantan..
Nak tau mana jantan mana betina tengok pada badan dia..kalau badan dia kecik dan ikan kembang giler2..tu la jantan..but the betina one is not secantik as jantan la..heheh.

Ni jantan..(but not mine la :P)
This one betina (also not mine)
Hopefully these fish beranak-pinak la..one of my other fish dah pun beranak..and anak tu still hidup..tapi cian..tinggal sekor je..thats why my jiwa berkobar2 nak jadi breeder for ikan...
I love my fish and so do my daughter...walaupun tak samapai setahun lagi..but she very happy to play with the fish..tapi kena selalu tengok la. kalau tak..peching!! pecah lak..i letak my bowl ni kat centre of the table..baru class...
So..i will update perkembangan my fish ni aand also the tips to jaga this kind of ikan soon..make sure u all datang ok..see ya.!!
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