Selasa, 15 Disember 2009

Tahukah Anda - Coffee & Tea

Tahukah Anda?--Coffee, tea, even decaf lowers diabetes risk

English version..

People who drink the most coffee and tea, even decaffeinated versions, can dramatically lower their risk of diabetes.

Their study does not answer why this might be but strengthens the findings of earlier studies showing the beverages may prevent type-2 diabetes.

Betul ke?

Ask Rachel Huxley of The University of Sydney in Australia and an international team of colleagues who wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

3 ulasan:

  1. sudah tentu...beza in term of:

    rasa, harga, warna dan si penjual nyer


  2. wah..aku suko minum dua2 tu..heheeh


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