as salam...
well its kind of angry entry this time..yup..very early in the morning...
(awat hang pagi2 dah muka cuka ni....)
this is becoz some uncivilisation person that i met this morning...very bodo one lah....
pagi tu...cuaca sungguh indah..burung2 pun berterbangan..ada yang bekerja..ada yang bermain...(kata usop HKLBR)
oh btw...the location in at LDP...yup..LDP ..with all the traffic jam...
well..as u may know..i naik moto to work..and believe me...motor adalah paling cepat untuk sampai ke tempat kerja..well thats not the point..
the point is...masa traffic jam tu...all the penunggang motor ni stay in middle line between cars..(why LDP tak provide motorcycle lane????)
tibe2 lah...ada la an indian guy bawa moto depan i ni..dengan tak semena2 pi ludah..eawwww..thats very tak elok doh...hey..bukan sekali..but twice..
tak fikir ke org kat belakng...mmmg merecik2 la kat aku ni....mana aku nak samak...u know la kan..pagi2 mmg air ludah tu sedap sgt...(eawwwww)
why dont malaysian be more polite...kalu tak tahan nak ludah just tahan je la..or find better place tu ludah..not in the middle of highway....so rude ma...aiyohhhhh
tak de sivik punyer org...aku rasa nak je aku langgar org tu...
ibarat kata dalam citer forest gump.."are you stupid or something.."
sekian....aku masih marah..sabar...sabar...