happy weekend..
based on the title given..cewahhh...
saje je la..just baca2 blog n web site pasal bnda ni...banyak interesting facts...
actually kite boleh compare iphone vs android vs blackberry..but i exclude bb la sebab tgose yang ada bb tu org describe as org bizz but iphone user tgk org pakai bb ni liain lak...
cuba tgk bawah to

back to our story..
"an NPD study showed that Google’s Android was comfortably beating iPhone, with Q1 2010 unit sales of 28% against 21%. This data was enough to prompt Apple, a company that is usually tight-lipped in the face of any study to piece of market research, to dispute the numbers.
from android phone is become more and more popular around these days..why??
my is becoz the pricing tag...u can get much more similar like iphone but at a lower price..
that why org cm i ni tak de la nak kejar iphone yang harga skrg ni dah cecah RM2500..iphone 4 untuk nak dapatkan cm iphone but more value n added value..i choose xperia smartphone from sony ericsson..mmg tak mahal but affordable.. ni utk org yang nak medium at everthing...cukup la bg i
- ...sebab ada touchscreen
- kamera yang ok 3.2 megapxl
- wifi
- gps..
- etc...
penat kumpul wo..hehe
pe2 pun..hset bukan nak showoff but more to kite guna..mana tak phone dah tenggelam dalam akuarium beberapa bulan lepas..terpksa guna yang murah ..yang tak ingt boleh tgk link ni
so ni la phone i..alhamdulliah....

Barang baekk misti la mahal. Beza die mcm rumah sime darby ngan rumah hsl la.. 'gone' dah satu prospect buyer aku. Anyhow, review la sket pasal smartphone experia baru tu.
BalasPadammemang la...yang mahal tak semua org mampu beli..all in all. the prices and what we gonna do with phone tu yang penting..wa bukan giler gajet..wa rakyat prihatin..ada kena mengena ke prihatin.wkakakaka
BalasPadamAndroid pun ada keluar ala-ala ipad kan...lagi kecik dari ipad.... :-)